Our newsLatest articles, presse releases and blog posts from Nordisk Renting SHOWAll (14)News (1)Press release (13)Uncategorized (2)20-12-2024Press releaseNordisk Renting increase municipal cooperation through acquisitio…Illustration of property Karlskoga Byggaren 4, Tengbom Architects Nordisk Renting acquires a newly built nursing home in Karlskoga municipality from Peab “We have worked for a long time together…Read more22-11-2024Press releaseNordisk Renting expands relationships with municipalities in Swed…Illustrations of property in VästerÃ¥s (Axeloth Arkitekter) and Flen (White Arkiteker) Nordisk Renting has acquired two strategic nursing homes in VästerÃ¥s and Flen. For almost 40 years, Nordisk Re…Read more04-11-2024Press releaseNordisk Renting on nimittänyt Leea Tolvaksen Suomen maajohtajaks…Leealla on monipuolista sekä pitkäaikaista kokemusta kiinteistörahoituksen johtotehtävistä. Hän on toiminut vuodesta 2021 Helsingin yliopiston ylioppilaskunnan varainhoitoyhtiö Ylvan toimitusjo…Read more04-11-2024Press releaseNordisk Renting has appointed Leea Tolvas as the Country Head for…Leea comes from the role of CEO of Ylva, the asset manager of the Student Union of the University of Helsinki, where she has held the position since 2021. She has solid experience from leading positio…Read more10-10-2024Press releasePirkkalan kunta käyttää osto-option ja lunastaa Nuolialan päi…Nordisk Renting rakennutti Pirkkalassa sijaitsevan Nuolialan päiväkodin vuonna 2007 Nordisk Renting on vuokrannut Nuolialan päiväkotia Pirkkalan kunnalle aina vuodesta 2007 alkaen. Sopimukseen on …Read more04-09-2024Press releaseNordisk Renting and the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health …Panuntie 6 visualisation The lease agreement initiates the refurbishment of the property and supports Nordisk Renting’s strategy to build long-term partnerships with the public sector. The Finni…Read more04-09-2024Press releaseNordisk Renting ja Työterveyslaitos solmivat vuokrasopimuksen KÃ…Panuntie 6 havainnekuva Vuokrasopimus käynnistää kiinteistön peruskorjauksen ja tukee Nordisk Rentingin strategiaa rakentaa pitkäaikaisia kumppanuuksia julkisen sektorin kanssa. Työterveyslaitos…Read more09-07-2024Press releaseNordisk Renting signs 15-year lease with Norsk Bibliotekstranspor…Nordisk Renting continues to grow with a new customer within in Larvik, Norway. NBT has signed a 15-year lease with Nordisk Renting for a newbuilt storage and logistics asset of 8,100 sqm. The a…Read more25-04-2024Press releaseNordisk Renting acquires strategic asset for new customer in Dram…Nordisk Renting has added a new relation to a strong counterpart through an acquisition of a strategic asset for the customer. – We continue to develop and grow in our core markets Norway, Sweden an…Read more18-04-2024Press releaseNordisk Renting strengthens their existing relationship with Din …Acquires a strategically important car dealership asset in Smista, Stockholm “We continue to develop and grow in our core markets Sweden, Finland, and Norway. This acquisition is in line with ou…Read more